Renovate Your Data. Permit Your People.

Despite flat budgets, information management solutions are top priorities for CIOs around the world. Gartner reports that analytics and business intelligence, cloud computing, and collaboration are among the top 10 focus areas for 2012.

Knowledge is power. You find that power in reliable data, unique perspectives, and market movement. People have knowledge within the ways they interact; but, your people and data can only perform like experts when they are able to quickly engage their connections with useful knowledge.

Manage information like the valuable asset it is. JMA IT helps you analyze your information assets. We’ll help you figure out where such information is located and how the information is found, used, and when it is used. We’ll help you determine which of it is useful and what should be retired to save you money on storage.

Information Management and Collaboration Services

We offer comprehensive information management and collaboration services:

  • Information Architecture – Make it easy and less painful.

  • Business Intelligence – Fast, relevant, accurate, and actionable information delivered to the boss.

  • Enterprise Collaboration – Make it fun, fast, and rewarding for the people.

  • Enterprise Content Management – Streamline and mechanize work to reduce redundancy and cut storage costs.

  • Enterprise Search – Slash the time spent looking for information to finish work, close sales, and please customers.

Handy Access and Easy Collaboration

In order to connect people with knowledge, you need two key ingredients: handy access to information and easy collaboration/ communication tools that help people turn information into action. Our expert engineers view the workplace as an interconnected environment where technology and people are like yin and yang! Far too often, technology is viewed as one thing and people as another. The most effective workplace technologies combine the two.

Our Approach: People. Process. Technology. Information.

JMA ITs approach is simple and effective. We use an all-inclusive approach to design and implement collaborative information management practices that address your people, processes, technology, and information (PPTI) to fuel collaboration. Our PPTI recipe allows you to reap greater business benefits and total glory!

People: Collaboration is about bringing people together to fortify relationships, share knowledge, solve problems, and make decisions.

Process: Mechanize routine actions of your people to ensure repeatability and rapid response time

Technology: Use it to consistently connect people processes and information to mitigate risk and squash your competition.

Information: Unlock the buried value to supply knowledge and intelligence.